Добавлено: 2006-11-30 00:31:18 Заголовок: Топ-65 вопросов к собеседованию

Зарегистрирован: 01.01.1970

Сообщений: 151 (просмотреть)
По просьбам страждущих публикую отдельно список примерных вопросов для собеседования в посольстве.

1. What is your name?
2. What language do you prefer?
3. You are an exchange student, aren’t you?
4. Why do you want to go to the USA?
5. What is the purpose of your visit the US?
6. When do you want/need to start your job in the US?
7. What job are you going to have in the US?
8. How this experience will help you in your future?
9. Where are you going to work in the US?
10. Where are you going to stay in the US?
11. How long are you going to stay in the US?
12. What will you do if you have problems with your boss at work in the United States?
13. When will you leave the US?
14. When will you come back to Russia?
15. What will you do after you come back to Russia?
16. Are you married? Do you have children?
17. Do you live with your parents? Why? Why not?
18. Have you got brothers or sisters? Are they participating in any exchange program?
19. Have you ever been abroad? Where & when?
20. What is favorite country? Why?
21. Do you have friends or relatives aboard?
22. What do your parents think about your participation in the program?
23. Who gives you money for the trip? Who pays for you trip?
24. What is your parents (annual) income? How much do your parents earn?
25. Where do your parents work?
26. Do you have a job? Do you work right now?
27. If yes, where do you work & what’s your job?
28. Is it a full-time or a part-time employment?
29. What is your income?
30. How many rooms are there in your flat?
31. Can you describe yourself? How can you characterize yourself?
32. Can you describe your hometown?
33. Are you a student? Can you say that you are excellent student?
34. Are you a full-time or a part-time student?
35. Where do you study?
36. What faculty/department do you study at?
37. What is your major?
38. Why have you chosen this major/department/faculty/university?
39. What year are you in?
40. How many years do you have to go?
41. When are you going to graduate?
42. Will you have problems at university if you come back late?
43. Will you have any problems if you leave early?
44. What are you going to do after graduation?
45. What are your plans for the future?
46. What is your future job?
47. How well do you know/speak English?
48. How long have you been learning English? Where?
49. Did you take any courses?
50. Have you got any medical restrictions?
51. Do you have medical problems?
52. Are you on medication?
53. Do you have any chronic diseases?
54. Have you ever been charged with anything in Russia or abroad?
55. What’s the name of your rector? Dean? Vice-dean?
56. What’s the name of your English language Tutor?
57. What is your favourite subject in university?
58. What is your older brother name?
59. What classes did you miss today? At what time?
60. What classes will you have tomorrow?
61. Who is your teacher in Philosophy?
62. What exams did you have last session?
63. How did you pass them?
64. You are second timer, aren’t you?
65. Why did you return so late?

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Добавлено: 2006-11-30 00:31:18   Заголовок: Топ-65 вопросов к собеседованию
Зарегистрирован: 01.01.1970

Сообщений: 151 (просмотреть)
По просьбам страждущих публикую отдельно список примерных вопросов для собеседования в посольстве.

1. What is your name?
2. What language do you prefer?
3. You are an exchange student, aren’t you?
4. Why do you want to go to the USA?
5. What is the purpose of your visit the US?
6. When do you want/need to start your job in the US?
7. What job are you going to have in the US?
8. How this experience will help you in your future?
9. Where are you going to work in the US?
10. Where are you going to stay in the US?
11. How long are you going to stay in the US?
12. What will you do if you have problems with your boss at work in the United States?
13. When will you leave the US?
14. When will you come back to Russia?
15. What will you do after you come back to Russia?
16. Are you married? Do you have children?
17. Do you live with your parents? Why? Why not?
18. Have you got brothers or sisters? Are they participating in any exchange program?
19. Have you ever been abroad? Where & when?
20. What is favorite country? Why?
21. Do you have friends or relatives aboard?
22. What do your parents think about your participation in the program?
23. Who gives you money for the trip? Who pays for you trip?
24. What is your parents (annual) income? How much do your parents earn?
25. Where do your parents work?
26. Do you have a job? Do you work right now?
27. If yes, where do you work & what’s your job?
28. Is it a full-time or a part-time employment?
29. What is your income?
30. How many rooms are there in your flat?
31. Can you describe yourself? How can you characterize yourself?
32. Can you describe your hometown?
33. Are you a student? Can you say that you are excellent student?
34. Are you a full-time or a part-time student?
35. Where do you study?
36. What faculty/department do you study at?
37. What is your major?
38. Why have you chosen this major/department/faculty/university?
39. What year are you in?
40. How many years do you have to go?
41. When are you going to graduate?
42. Will you have problems at university if you come back late?
43. Will you have any problems if you leave early?
44. What are you going to do after graduation?
45. What are your plans for the future?
46. What is your future job?
47. How well do you know/speak English?
48. How long have you been learning English? Where?
49. Did you take any courses?
50. Have you got any medical restrictions?
51. Do you have medical problems?
52. Are you on medication?
53. Do you have any chronic diseases?
54. Have you ever been charged with anything in Russia or abroad?
55. What’s the name of your rector? Dean? Vice-dean?
56. What’s the name of your English language Tutor?
57. What is your favourite subject in university?
58. What is your older brother name?
59. What classes did you miss today? At what time?
60. What classes will you have tomorrow?
61. Who is your teacher in Philosophy?
62. What exams did you have last session?
63. How did you pass them?
64. You are second timer, aren’t you?
65. Why did you return so late?

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Добавлено: 2006-11-30 00:33:44
Зарегистрирован: 01.01.1970

Сообщений: 151 (просмотреть)
Еще в добавок публикую еще 40 вопросов и примерных ответов к ним.

1. Are you married? Do you have children?
- Для большинства – No, I’m not. No, I don’t.
2. Do you live with your parents? Why? Why not?
- Yes, I do ‘cause I like living with them and they like living together too. - No, I don’t ‘cause I like living separately on my own.
3. Have you got brothers or sisters? Are they participating in any exchange program? - Отвечайте как есть.
4. Have you ever been abroad? Where & when?
- Отвечайте как есть.
5. Do you have friends or relatives aboard?
- Ответ: No!
6. What do your parents think about your participation in the program?
- They are proud of me. They think it will make me more self-confident and mature.
7. Who gives you money for the trip? (Who pays for you trip?)
- Только – My parents. (даже, если это не так!)
8. What is your parents (annual) income? (How much do your parents earn?)
- I don’t know. They never told me.
9. Where do your parents work?
- Отвечайте как есть, только чётко и понятно для американцев. И запомните – ОБА родителя должны работать и семья НЕ должна нуждаться.
10. Do you have a job? (Do you work?) If yes, where do you work & what's your job? Is it a
full-time or a part-time employment? What is your income?
- Если в форме DS-158 Вы не указывали, что где-то работаете в настоящий момент – отвечайте: No, I don’t work. My studies take (eat) all my time. - Если указывали – назовите работу. Она должна быть ТОЛЬКО "part-time"!
11. How many rooms are there in your flat/apartment?
- Ответьте как есть, но лучше – не меньше трёх.
12. Can you describe yourself? How can you characterize yourself?
- I’m honest, kind, responsible, cheerful and energetic. I like to ...
13. Can you describe your hometown?
- Что-то вроде – It’s a beautiful town with lots of trees and parks, old buildings. I love it very much.
14. Are you a student? Are you a full-time or a part-time student?
- Yes, I am a (third-year) full-time student at ... (название ВУЗа – чтобы пресечь все дальнейшие вопросы).
15. Where do you study? What faculty/ department do you study at? What is your major? - Ответ как и в предыдущем вопросе и – название основного (профилирующего предмета). 16. Why have you chosen this major/department/faculty/university?
- I’m very interested in ... (название предмета, специализации)
17. What year are you in? How many years do you have to go?
- I’m in the ... year. I have ... more years to go.
18. When are you going to graduate?
- In 2006 (например).
19. Will you have problems at your university if you come back late?
- Yes, I will. That is why I’m going to come back by the first of September.
20. Will you have any problems if you leave early?
- No, I won’t. I’ll be through with my exams before the departure.
21. What are you going to do after graduation? What are your plans for the future? - I’ll be working at... (название учреждения) as a... (должность).
22. What is your future job?
- тот же ответ
23. How well do you know/speak English?
- Not very well. And I want to improve it in the U.S.
24. How long have you been learning English? Where?
- ответьте как есть
25. Why do you want to go to the USA?
- To improve my English, to travel, to make new friends during my school break.
26. What is the purpose of your visit the US?
- то же самое
27. When do you want/need to start your job in the US?
- On the ... of June (May). – как у Вас в Placement Notice или Job Offer.
28. What job are you going to have in the US? How this experience will help you in your future? - I’ll be working at (название лагеря/заведения, город, штат) as a ... (должность).
29. Where are you going to work in the US?
- тот же ответ
30. Where are you going to stay in the US?
- My employer will provide me with the housing. (In the camp. – для лагерной программы) 31. How long are you going to stay in the US?
- Till the first of September.
32. What will you do if you have problems with your boss at work in the US?
- I will listen to his recommendations and I will work better.
33. When will you leave the US? (When will you come back to Russia?)
- By the first of September.
34. What will you do after you come back to Russia?
- Go on with my studies.
36. Have you got any medical restrictions? – No.
37. Do you have medical problems? – No.
38. Are you on medication? – No.
39. Do you have any chronic diseases? – No.
40. Have you ever been charged with anything in Russia or abroad? – No.

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Добавлено: 2006-11-30 05:22:11
Зарегистрирован: 01.01.1970

Сообщений: 515 (просмотреть)
где-то я это уже видел :mrgreen:

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Добавлено: 2006-11-30 22:05:15
Зарегистрирован: 01.01.1970

Сообщений: 85 (просмотреть)
учите язык, а не вопросы :mrgreen:

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Добавлено: 2006-12-02 02:35:12
Зарегистрирован: 01.01.1970

Сообщений: 151 (просмотреть)
Миха - естевственно, ибо вопросы скачаны с различных сайтов, во многих агенствах выдают такие же.
AlexIv - разговору нет, эти вопросы можно рассматривать лишь как ПОМОЩЬ в подготовке к собесодованию.

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Добавлено: 2006-12-02 15:21:07
Зарегистрирован: 01.01.1970

Сообщений: 105 (просмотреть)
А еще добавтьте к этому
What’s your favorite poem/book/author? Can you tell me about it?
What’s your favourite singer or song? Why?
Who is your President? Premier-minister? Minister of Economy or Finance?
What do you know about Second World War? Who are Hitler and Stalin?
What the responsibilities will be in your future job in US? What do you think you’ll can do it?
.... несколько человек пролетело примерно на таких вопросах, жаль... Всем удачи!!!

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