23 сентября 2016

Work and Travel experience 2016

USA, Огайо
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Огайо 2016
This summer I decided to take part in the Work&Travel Program in order to learn and experience more of the American culture. No matter how many plans and preparations you make, the program exceeds any expectations and offers a unique experience.

I got to work as a Foods Associate at the Cedar Point Amusement Park. Because of the proper training and open, kind managers you don’t have to worry about having any troubles at the workplace and make sure nothing prevents you from having a nice experience. The best part of working at Cedar Point was getting to work in a team of associates from all over the world. You get to meet people not just from the USA, but from a variety of different countries, be around people that are experiencing the same thing you are, learn about different cultures and make friends around the world. This also makes the guests that come into the park more open minded and willing to share about American culture as well. There is no doubt that everything has another side to it and the saddest part of working at Cedar Point is having to say goodbye to the amazing people you met, but at the same time it makes you want to travel the world even more and the thing that brightens the day is the traveling part of the program that lies ahead. 

When talking to other associates I found out that most have the same traveling plans as I do – New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and of course the amazing Grand Canyon. It is great to travel around and see how all these places are so different from each other and even more from the small town of Sandusky that you get to live in during the summer. Fortunately, the program provides enough time to see all the main points of the USA and if you are as lucky as I am, you get to meet some more international students on your way.

To sum up, it is a truly memorable experience, a great way to explore the United States and the time of your life you will never forget. 

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